Blue Skies Ahead

The blue-sky method is a type of creative brainstorming that is used for transformational results.  Apple, SpaceX, and many other companies use this type of thinking to identify possibilities and generate creative ideas.  The approach is about unconstrained brainstorming, ungrounded by our current reality.  Thoughts can float by as if a cloud in the blue sky.  Here is an approach to activate a blue sky in your business and your life!

When creating a new vision/destination, I always recommend starting with a blank piece of paper.  Many resist the process of beginning anew.  In fact, the more entrenched a business is, the harder it may be to imagine the business differently than you currently do business.  For this reason, I recommend starting with the tabula rasa.  To simulate a state of no preconceived notions, a stack of blank paper is the ideal way to create your vision. Now, let’s focus on two vantage points:

The Future

Imagine the state of things 5 years out and 10 years out.  Find a quiet space and write down everything that comes to mind.  As Steven Covey famously said, “Begin with the end in mind”. Envision your hopes and dreams for the business in this future state.  Suspend reality for the moment and just write down whatever comes to mind, without judgement.  Let the information flow onto the page in an organic manner.  You may feel the need to draw pictures, create diagrams, lists, or write in partial sentences.  Let it flow onto the page without editing or challenging it.  Let the possibilities and ‘what ifs’ pour out onto the page. 

The Present

Some people find it hard to imagine the future.  This can be particularly true for people who are entrenched in dealing with the day-to-day issues of a business.  If this sounds familiar, then try a different prompt for the exercise.  Beginning with fresh blank pages, write down what is working and not working in your business today.   What would you like to preserve in the future?  What must be fixed?  What keeps you up at night?

Now focus your blue sky thinking on solutions to today’s problems.  If you could do anything, what would you do?  What would it look like?

Bring it together!

Combine your stack of blue-sky ideas and thoughts. Scan the ideas from the different vantage points for similarities and trends. Keep the paper in an accessible location to add content whenever a wave of creativity strikes.  Now Sleep on it (figuratively 😊) and write down any dreams, brain waves or revelations that come to you in the morning, or during your daily routines.  Tuck it away for a later read, edit and refinement.

The blue-sky approach can be used at work and in life! If you'd like help creating a future destination vision, solving some complex problems, or leading your team through a process of discovery, contact us on LinkedIn


Part 1: Delta’s Simplified SkyMiles: A Case study in New Strategy Deployment


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